Grade 6 » Sixth Grade

Sixth Grade

Sixth grade students have their academic classes in their own part of campus: the sixth grade bungalows, room numbers 42 through 59

They have one teacher for English and Social Studies and one teacher for Mathematics and Science. The two teachers "team teach," which means that they coordinate their lessons across the 4 subjects and also coordinate homework and testing schedules.

Sixth grade students are on the rest of the campus for elective classes, P.E., break, and lunch.

Students in the Modern Media and Communications Magnet learn journalistic writing and reporting, and maintain blogs that are published and shared with peers.

Sixth Grade Parent Meetings

Thursday, August 29, 2024, 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Thursday, November 7, 2024, 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Thursday, January 30, 2024, 5:00pm to 6:00pm


Click or tap to explore any of these sixth grade programs:


Community Service


Events and Enrichment

Just for Fun

Modern Media and Communications Magnet

Physical Education


Pi Day

Reader s Theater


Sixth Grade Olympics

Can you find the 6th grade bungalows on the campus map?

The 6th grade bungalow room numbers are 42 through 59.


Ms. Gonzalez is the 6th grade counselor.

Ms. Prentice is the Assistant Principal overseeing 6th grade.