Palms Middle School Home

News & Announcements

Friends of Palms/PTSA meeting

Friends of Palms/PTSA Meeting: February 18

Palms parents are invited to the Friends of Palms/PTSA meeting on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, starting at 6:30pm in Zoom. Learn what's happening at Palms from Palms administrators and parent leaders, and have your questions answered.
call phone policy

LAUSD Cell Phone Policy Begins: February 18

Starting on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, the LAUSD and California state policy on cell phones and other smart devices goes into effect. It matches the Palms policy that's already in effect.

Student cell phone use during school hours is not allowed. Put away cell phones, smart watches, AirPods, headphones, etc. inside bags or backpacks (not your pocket). If you use it, you lose it, with confiscated devices picked up only by a parent or legal guardian in the Dean's Office.
President's Day

No School: February 17

There is no school on Monday February 17, 2025, for the President's Day holiday.

School resumes on Tuesday, February 18.
candy grams

Happy Valentine's Day!

Candy Grams, heart-shaped lollipops with attached cards sent from one student to another, were delivered on Friday, February 14, 2025 for Valentine's Day.
Palms Drone Team

Palms Students Win Drone Competition

For Spring 2025, Mrs. Romero added a drone program to her Advanced Robotics class. In their first-ever competition, Aerial Panthers, the Palms drone team, won the Aerial Drone Competition for "All Around Champion Middle School" by the REC Foundation at Hilda Solis Senior High School in Boyle Heights.

LAUSD Parent Workshop on Anxiety: February 12

Palms parents are invited to an LAUSD Zoom workshop on the topic of anxiety on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, from 11:00am to noon. This is one of seven LAUSD workshops, on three different topics, for the school year.


The Best Middle School in Los Angeles

About Us

Palms Middle School in Los Angeles is a community school, a School For Advanced Studies, a Modern Media and Communications Magnet, a Gifted/High Ability Magnet School, and a Spanish World Language Immersion School. We are proud of our academic program and the education we offer, including our high state test scores, our many cultural, artistic, and other programs, our awards and honors, and our friendly and safe atmosphere.