Events and Enrichment » Spelling Bee

Spelling Bee

Scripps Spelling Bee

Palms Middle School participates in the Scripps National Spelling Bee program. It all starts with a spelling bee at Palms.

How to Participate

Step 1: Get a pass from your English teacher to go to Room 45 during lunch to pick up the word list, during the announced dates in January 2025.

Step 2: Attend the knock-out rounds during lunch in Room 45. Words from the word list will be used to narrow down the contestants to the final 15 students on an announced day in January 2025.

Step 3: The Palms Spelling Bee will take place on an announced day in January 2025 in the Auditorium, during Periods 3 and 4.

The winner among the 15 contestants will receive $35 and will represent Palms at the regional spelling competition.

Spelling bee cartoon

Palms Spelling Bee Champs, Spring 2024

  • Pratim Rajesh, 6th grade, 1st place
  • Chidumebi Duru, 8th grade, 2nd place

Pratim's winning word was Pascagoula.

Other contestants:

  • Kennedy Berry
  • Khushi Divyesh Bhakta
  • Camron Cooper Jr.
  • Bryce Curtis
  • Rejeanne Facey
  • Dorian Goodin
  • Ashley Lopez
  • Arva Parikh
  • Abigail Rison
  • Onaya Vinaki Rupasinghe
  • Camden Sales
  • Isabelle Shapiro
  • Shaurya Kumar Singh
  • Ela Veli

Pratim Rajesh and his father
Pratim Rajesh and his father

Palms Spelling Bee Champs, Spring 2023:

  • Camden Sales, first place
  • Zara Syed, second place

Camden Sales
Camden Sales