Teachers & Staff » Counselors Corner

Counselors Corner

Welcome to the Counselors Corner! Your counselor is ready to help you. Our office is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

talking to a counselor

Counseling Services

  • Academic Intervention
    • Individualized Graduation Plans
    • Tutoring Services
    • Student Support and Progress Teams
  • Individual Counseling/Referral Services
  • Parents communication with teachers
    • Facilitation of meetings if needed

Issues regarding discipline and student safety, such as bullying or threats, are handled by the Dean or an assigned administrator.

Recommended Reading

Science Says the Most Successful Kids Have Parents Who Do These 9 Things

Christina DesMarais documents ways in which parents can help their children succeed.

Download the article

Helicopter Parenting

Julie Lythcott-Haims, former dean of freshmen at Stanford University, thinks that "helicopter parenting" is ruining a generation of children.

Read the article and watch the video

12 Ways To Be the Meanest Mom in the World

Original author Megan Wallgren suggests that setting limits and high expectations rather than "giving in" is good parenting, even if your kids tell you that you're mean.

Read the article

Mental Health Services

The Help Group logo

The Help Group Child and Family Center provides mental health services including individual therapy, family therapy, case management, and psychiatric services. They provide consultation, prevention, assessment, treatment, and linkage to other resources and services, in either English or Spanish. These services can be provided at home, at school, or at the office.

To be eligible for these services children must be in the Medi-Cal program. If your child does not have Medi-Cal, the Help Group will be happy to provide you with resources.

Parents can contact their child's counselor for more information and to learn how Palms supports The Help Group's efforts. Parents can also contact The Help Group directly:

The Help Group website

Location closest to Palms Middle School:

12099 W. Washington Blvd., Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90066

Main phone line: 310-751-1171

Intake coordinator: 310-751-1174

The Idiot Game, video produced by Palms Counselors

Palms Middle School's approach to bullying revolves around a Golden Rule approach to dealing with name calling, teasing, and gossiping. It really works! Check out this video!


Click below to send a message to a counselor, or phone the school.