Academic » Special Education

Special Education

Schools for All Children logoIt is our goal at Palms Middle School to ensure that the Special Education Students achieve at the highest level possible, to meet their full potential.

Room 160, in the Industrial Arts Building, is the Special Education Coordinator/IEP Office. See the campus map.

Special Education Programs

Resource Program (General Education Core Curriculum)

Resource Teachers go into the general education classes (Math and/or English) and provide support to the students. Learning Lab can be taken as an elective to provide additional support (if the student meets certain criteria).

High Functioning Autism Program (HFA) (General Education Core Curriculum)

HFA students are included in the general education classes with support of the HFA staff. Social Communication is offered as an elective in lieu of a general education elective.

Special Day Program (General Education Core Curriculum)

These classes have smaller class size. There is a special education teacher and an assistant in the room. The pace of the curriculum is geared to the level of the students. Students have four special education academic classes along with a general education elective and P.E.

Special Day Class IDM

The students in this class are on the Alternative Curriculum (they are not on a diploma track). These students have their academics in the same classroom and they go out for P.E. and elective (depending on their needs, some students stay in the same class for their elective).

Special Education Services

Adapted Physical Education

Depending on their needs, students who cannot safely or successfully engage in general physical education classes may be given assistance with gross motor activities, games, sports, and rhythms.

LAUSD information

P.E. teacher Steve Choi

Language and Speech

Depending on their needs, students may be given assistance with articulation, language acquisition, comprehension, and expression, fluency, and vocal quality, pitch and loudness.

LAUSD information

Speech-Language Pathologist Lauren Schuchman

Occupational Therapy

Depending on their needs, students may be given assistance with posture, fine motor skills, sensory processing, social abilities, visual perception, and organization.

LAUSD information

Oscar Gutierrez
contact by email

Recreational Therapy

Depending on their needs, students may be given assistance with development and application of the underlying skills necessary to engage in inclusive cooperative learning, play, lessons, and activities.

LAUSD information

Daniela Anzuini
contact by email

School Psychologist

Students may be given support if they are fearful about attending school, struggling with time management, study, or organizational skills, lacking the ability to focus as a result of life stressors, questioning their aptitudes or abilities, or feeling sad, unhappy, or contemplating self-harm.

LAUSD information

Lauren Adams
contact by email

Summer School 2024

LAUSD Parent and Community Services

Summer school is called Extended School Year (ESY).

Download the instructions in English and Spanish

Palms Teamwork

We believe that it takes a team for any student to be successful. This team includes the General Education Teacher, Special Education Teacher, the Student, and the Parent. The parent plays an important role in the student's life long success. We find that students need a little extra help in Middle School with executive functioning (organization and planning).

helping handsTeachers understand that students with learning disabilities need a variety of accommodations and they teach with differentiated instruction to meet the needs of the students, according to their IEP.

Special Education students who are on an Individual Education Plan (IEP) are on a continuum of services, based on their specific needs as documented in their IEP's.

LAUSD Guidelines

Palms follows the guidelines of the LAUSD Division of Special Education, under which students may be classified as Learning Disabled (LD) or Emotionally Disabled (ED).

For more information, see the LAUSD Division of Special Education or contact the staff members listed on this page.


A Parent's Guide to Special Education Services

Individualized Education Program (IEP) and You

The ITP and You

Prime Time Games

Palms participates in the Prime Time Games, a program of Team Prime Time.

It is a full-inclusion, peer-mentor sports program wherein the TPT students coach and play alongside children with developmental disabilities.

Special Projects

Special Education students got a cooking lesson from Palms student and "Chopped Junior" TV star Jayla Hill.

Cooking lesson

In Fall 2016, Special Education students created a book, with each student contributing a one-page story and a one-page illustration. You can find the book in the Palms Library.

Thanksgiving Potpourri book cover

Thanksgiving Potpourri book authors


Administrative Team

Special Education Teachers

Famous People Who Had Learning Disabilities

  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Orlando Bloom
  • Richard Branson
  • Jim Carrey
  • Cher
  • Anderson Cooper
  • Tom Cruise
  • Patrick Dempsey
  • Zooey Deschanel
  • Whoopi Goldberg
  • Tommy Hilfiger
  • Keira Knightley
  • Jay Leno
  • Adam Levine
  • Howie Mandel
  • Michael Phelps
  • Daniel Radcliffe
  • Keanu Reeves
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Tim Tebow
  • Justin Timeberlake
  • Vince Vaughn
  • Emma Watson
  • Henry Winkler