Mr. Samuel Vinstein » Mr. Vinstein

Mr. Vinstein

English and Ancient Civilizations - Spanish - Room 59

Welcome, Palms Panthers and Cubs! My name is Mr. Vinstein, and I have the great honor of being your 6th-grade Gifted Magnet English and History teacher (y instructór de Español). I've been teaching at Palms since 2021, and I am very excited to be part of the team here.

For English and History I'll be team-teaching with your Math and Science teacher.

Class Schedule 2024-2025

Period Class
1 Conference
2 Spanish 2
3 Honors English 6
4 Honors Ancient Civilizations 6
5 Honors English 6
6 Honors Ancient Civilizations 6

Meet the Teacher

University of Oregon Pepperdine University

A native Angeleno, I grew up in Santa Monica before moving to the Pacific Northwest for college at the University of Oregon (Go DUCKS!), where I majored in Spanish, with minors in Art and Business Administration. After college, I spent the better part of a decade in the world of surfboard manufacturing, working for a local surfboard factory and then starting my own business building surfboards in downtown Los Angeles. After getting married and starting a family, I went back to school to get my Masters in Teaching at Pepperdine University.

I love to surf, travel, hike, and be in the great outdoors. When I’m not at school, you can find me in the ocean or at the park with my wife Martha (a Palms MS alum) and my son Arnie. I still build surfboards in my spare time (aka winter/summer break). Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns!

