Clubs » Disc Golf Club

Disc Golf Club

Join the fastest growing sport in America: Disc Golf!

What is Disc Golf, you may be thinking? It’s a healthy and fun sport that anyone can play.

Disc Golf is much like traditional golf except played with frisbees. Unlike traditional golf, which can be super expensive and requires lots of equipment, all you need to play disc golf is a disc and some open space!

Students of all athletic abilities can join and experience the joy and thrill of watching your disc soar through the air and hear the satisfying ring of your disc clanging into the chains.

So, what are you waiting for? Join the Palms DGC today and join the worldwide community of disc golf!

All Palms students are welcome.

Visit the Palms Disc Club Website!

Club Meetings

We meet on on Wednesdays at lunch in Room 59 and after school, from 3:15 to 4:15pm on the P.E. field, at the edge of the track, next to the volleyball courts, starting September 11, 2024.

Make sure you are signed up for the late magnet bus if you need to take the bus home.

To join the Disc Golf Club, join us after school on a Wednesday.
