Facilities » Computers


Computer Lab

computer classroom

The Palms Computer Lab is a learning laboratory for students of the Internet generation.

Palms offers an elective in Computers / Robotics.

Teachers can bring their classes to the Computer Lab so students can all use desktop computers at the same time, on a high-speed network. The Lab's iMacs are used for research, editing, keyboarding practice, or any other projects that the teacher has planned.

One computer is used by the teacher, who can observe student screens, control them centrally, or give shared-screen demonstrations that all students see.

The Computer Lab has also been used for a after-school computer coding class, as well as for Professional Development for teachers.

The Computer Lab has been upgraded three times over the years, most recently in 2008 and 2015. Website volunteer Neil Cuadra has helped with each of these upgrades.

Library Computers

library computers

We purchased new computers for the Library in 2015. The ten iMacs are used for research, library searches, and document editing whenever the Library is open and students aren't in class.

Teachers can also bring their classes to the Library and let students use the computers.

Classroom Computers

laptop computerAlmost every classroom has desktop or laptop computers. The number and types of computers vary according to each teacher's needs and preferences.

All classrooms have wired network access, although computers can take advantage of the school's wireless network as well.

All Palms students are issued iPads. Parents can request a Chromebook for their student though he Parent Portal.