Spanish World Language Immersion Program
The Palms Middle School Spanish World Language Immersion Program is a two-year program for grades 6 through 7, starting in the 2024-2025 school year.
LAUSD's World Language Immersion program is designed to provide English-speaking and English Learner students the opportunity to receive grade-level standards-based content in English and in a target language (Spanish). Students in the program gain advanced levels of academic language proficiency in both languages and strengthen their sociocultural competency. LAUSD's goals include increasing the number of students who are bilingual and biliterate.
English Learners (EL) who speak Spanish are eligible to participate. So are English Speakers who participated in a Spanish Dual Language Education (DLE) program in elementary school. Most of the class will be English Speakers. A few (by parent request) will be Emergent Bilinguals.
Applications are through the Choices system, with the same application deadlines, although the Spanish World Language Immersion Program is not a Magnet program. No Magnet points are required or earned. Transportation is not provided as part of the program. Siblings of current students in the Dual Language Education program have priority for attendance.