Physical Education » Physical Education

Physical Education

Physical education is an integral part of the overall education program for every student and provides an opportunity for every student to develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence necessary to lead a physically active lifestyle. A high-quality physical education program promotes an active lifestyle, improved health, motor skill development, and better cognitive performance. Studies show that when children's exercise and fitness needs are met, they are more able to learn and achieve.

Over the course of each semester Palms P.E. students rotate among activities:

  • Basketball
  • Floor Hockey
  • Frisbee Golf
  • Flag Football
  • Pickle Ball
  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Team Handball
  • Spin Bike Room
  • Volleyball
  • Fitness Room

The complete rotation schedule for each instructor is available from the P.E. department.

Track and Field Activities

  • high jump
  • long jump
  • one-mile run
  • softball throw
  • 100-meter dash
  • 800-meter run

LAP DAY is a cardiovascular activity that students participate for 15 minutes once a week.

Fitness Room

Weight Room

Equipment includes:

  • biceps curl
  • chest press
  • dumbbells (assortment, 5, 8, and 10 pounds)
  • elliptical machines (3)
  • leg curl
  • leg extension
  • leg press
  • shoulder press
  • Stairmasters (4)
  • stationary bicycles (12)

Students have two 2-week rotations through the fitness room, when they are instructed on how to use the equipment.

Safety First!


Palms has three automated external defibrillator (AED) units for emergencies. In case of sudden cardiac arrest, the P.E. teachers have been trained in how to use these defibrillators.

The defibrillator shown above is in the Boys P.E. office. The others are in the Main Office and in the sixth grade bungalow area.

Move Everyday!

When you get moving, you’re more likely to:

  • Feel less stressed.
  • Feel better about yourself.
  • Feel more ready to learn in school.
  • Keep a healthy weight.
  • Build and keep healthy bones, muscles and joints.
  • Sleep better at night.

Source: Let's Move!

2012 Gym Renovation

Palms gym murals 1 of 3 Palms gym mural Palms gym murals 3 of 3