Magnet School Information » Video Production Field Trips

Video Production Field Trips

Palms visited the Hammer Museum in Westwood and saw a variety of exhibits, including photography, film, and art from the masters.

Photos by Palms students Tuesday White and Princess Ilo.

Wheel of Fortune Field Trip

Students in Mrs. Clark's Video Production elective, along with a dozen students from Leadership class, attended a taping of the Wheel of Fortune TV show.

Students observed how a professional 3-camera television show is made, as they sat in the audience for the taping of three Wheel of Fortune shows.

The cast and crew were very friendly to our students, interacting during breaks, answering questions, and giving away prizes and trinkets with the Wheel of Fortune logo. A couple of students received dollar bills autographed by the stars.

The set was a massive display of colorful flashing lights and brightly arranged signs and displays. The contestants on the show were teen besties -- pairs of high school best friends. Sony Studios wanted a young audience, and Palms students fit the bill, so Sony funded the field trip. Thank you to Sony Studios!

Jeopardy! Field Trip

The Leadership students who did not attend the Wheel of Fortune taping went to a taping of the Jeopardy! TV show.