Mrs. Irene Clark » Mrs. Clark

Mrs. Clark

English 8 - CTE Video Production - Room 163

Welcome to Mrs. Clark's English or Career Technical Education (CTE) Video Production class!

If you want to take Video Production as an elective, talk to your Counselor.

Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your character. Your character becomes your destiny.

Mahatma Gandhi
Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

Class Schedule 2024-2025

Period Class
1 English 8
2 English 8
3 Conference
4 Video Production
5 Video Production
6 Video Production



You find all your assignments, worksheets, due dates, and grades on this website. I keep our Schoology up to date.

Online textbook.


Calling all parents! If you, or anyone you know works in the film, television, or online video industry, please contact me. We would love to have you visit our class and tell us what you do!

Call for film and video production equipment.

Do you have any extra tripods, light stands, or any other video equipment? Please donate to our class so we can build up our equipment library.