Teachers & Staff » Appointments


Student and counselor

Not all students need a parent-teacher conference. Palms teachers reach out to the parents of students who are in need of academic intervention. At other times, parents can contact teachers or counselors to inquire about the need for a conference. Conferences are held by appointment only.

Please follow these instructions to schedule an in-person meeting or conference with a school staff member, if you think it is necessary.

Modern Media and Communications Magnet parents, Gifted/High Ability Magnet parents, and SAS parents should see the Magnet Programs page for parent/teacher/student conference information.

How to Make an Appointment
Grade To make an appointment with Do the following
all A Palms administrator Phone or visit the Main Office (see phone numbers and campus map).
all Your child's counselor
  1. Identify your child's counselor.
  2. Phone or visit the Counseling Office.
6th, 7th, or 8th

One of your child's teachers

Teachers set up their own individual conferences, and conference times are available for those parents who would like to meet with their child's teachers. Contact the teacher by either of these methods:

  1. Send a message directly to the teacher through Schoology or using the link for that teacher on the Teachers page.
  2. Leave a message for the teacher by phoning the Main Office or the Counseling office.

Parent Conferences usually take place on scheduled dates in October, November, January, February, March and May.

You can also schedule teacher conferences when you meet the teacher on Back-to-School Night.

6th The two core teachers together (the English/Social Studies teacher and the Math/Science teacher) Teachers set up their own paired conferences. Contact one of the two core teachers by either of these methods:
  1. Send a message directly to one of the teachers using the link for that teacher on the Teachers page, or through Schoology.
  2. Leave a message by phoning the Main Office or the Counseling office.
Be sure to mention that you want to meet with both teachers together.

Messages to Teachers

To send a message to a teacher, other than for a conference appointment, use Schoology or use the links on the Teachers page.