Mr. Yong Kim » Mr. Kim

Mr. Kim

English and Ancient Civilizations 6 - Leadership - Room 45

Welcome to Mr. Kim's Sixth Grade English, History, and Sixth Grade Leadership classes!

For English and History I'll be team-teaching with your Math and Science teacher.

I've been an educator since 2002 and I am thrilled to be part of our team effort to experience :
  • Various literature and student writing in English.
  • The diverse tapestry of cultures, innovations, and ideas in Ancient Civilizations.
  • Host various events in our Leadership class.

I look forward to working with all of you!

Class Schedule 2024-2025

Period Class
1 Honors English 6
2 Honors Ancient Civilization 6
3 Honors English 6
4 Honors Ancient Civilization 6
5 Leadership
6 Conference

Click on "Calendar" on the left column to get all homework information. Click on the date with blue letterings. Please be aware of the period the student has Mr. Kim for English or History. Morning group is Period 1 for English (Period 2 for History); Second group is Period 3 for English (Period 4 for History).

Make sure you also click on individual classes. Please sign up for my REMIND homework text. Scroll down below for info.

Please be aware: Late work is not accepted unless it is an excused absence or due to extreme situations where parents notify Mr. Kim.

Students who are absent : It is your responsibility to turn in missed work when you return and get the missed assignment.

All course syllabus and class rules and expectations will be posted and hard copy will be handed to students for parents during the first week of school.

Each Monday, while students are working, I will roll out my Music Mondays program as they either read in English class or do classwork in History. We will alternate the following:

  • Mozart Monday (classical music; and we've all read the studies related to Mozart on a young scholar's mind.)
  • Meditation Monday (meditation music; Indian sitar or Ravi Shankar; meditation as a means for students to stay focused.)
  • Monk, Thelonious Monday (jazz or/and jazz pianist, Thelonious Monk.)
  • Mash-Up Monday (World Music from Mexico to Morocco; etc.)

No Name Folder

There is a No Name Folder in the back on the bookshelf. Sort through it during this conference or/and Break time or when it is not disrupting instruction. Do not disrupt instruction to resolve No Name issues.

No Name assignments will be graded but with a grade reduction as a penalty.
For example, an "A" assignment will be reduced to a "B."

Late Work

I do allow late work with no penalty for students with an excused absence or various family or personal situations with a parent note. Without one, I will still receive late work but with a grade reduction as a penalty.


When you are absent, my homework is on Go under "Teachers,"; "Kim, Yong." Obviously, you are on it right now.

Look at the front of my web page, as well as click on "Calendar" on the left and see the due dates and email me about the assignment you are missing.

The best time to get an explanation on an assignment that you missed is NOT during instructional time but during Break time. Tell me or email me you want to see me so I will stay in class during Break.

You are also responsible for turning in Missed Work.

  • Organized notebook/binder
  • Student Planner
  • Planning your time wisely
  • Make school success your priority
  • Tell Mr. Kim right away if you don’t understand an assignment. Don’t say, “I didn’t get it “ on the day it is due.
  • Focus during instruction
  • Positive attitude
  • Don’t whine about new challenges. Take it on with courage and enthusiasm.
  • Pick your friends wisely. Pick friends that want to succeed.
  • Remember: “When life knocks you down, you get back up.“ Believe in yourself.
  • Find a relative or friend to help you study for a test.

Parents (and students with parent's permission) may sign up to receive text messages about upcoming homework or projects through the REMIND ( program.

Before school starts, I encourage all students and parents sign up.

English/Ancient Civ Text to 81010 the code @h82hd Leadership Text to 81010 the code @cg936h
