Friends of Palms » Welcome Messages

Welcome Messages

Dr. Cara Pohle

Dear Palms Middle School Families,

On behalf of the Friends of Palms, I would like to welcome you to the new school year! I cannot believe how quickly the summer has passed but am enthusiastic about the upcoming school year. I look forward to building community as we support our students, teachers, administrators, and the entire school community.

As a caregiver to a Palms student, you are automatically a member of Friends of Palms (FOP). Our school is strengthened through the involvement of our families. I hope to see you at the monthly FOP meetings on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30PM over Zoom. As the school year progresses, meetings may return to in-person. The monthly meetings are an opportunity to meet other caregivers, Palms teachers and staff, and of course, to brainstorm and volunteer for activities that help raise funds that support the students, teachers, and school.

We all want the best for our children. One of my favorite outcomes of the work that FOP does is that it supports teachers in being more student-centered and increases enrichment/learning opportunities. Together, we can ensure that our Palms community is connected, that our school leaders and teachers are supported, and that programs are funded.

In partnership,

Cara Pohle

President, Friend of Palms

[email protected]

Dear Palms Middle School Families and Supporters,

On behalf of the Palms Middle School PTSA, I would like to welcome all of you to the new school year. I have a daughter at Palms and I will be serving as the Palms PTSA President. Joining me are Uleses Henderson as Treasurer and Bita Kazemini as Secretary. I am excited to work with an amazing group of parents this year. Feel free to check out the information and resources on our PTSA page, where you will be able to keep updated on Palms happenings and PTSA state and national happenings.

As the new school year begins, we would once again ask for your support so that we can continue making resources and learning opportunities available to our students and Palms staff. Your membership allows the PTSA to raise funds to provide a wide range of educational enrichment programs for the students. Money raised through PTSA memberships helps to fund scholarships for music, support medical and dental clinics for families in need, Reflections art competition, lobbying efforts at the state and national level on legislation affecting children/schools, classroom supplies, campus improvement and much more.

For the PTSA to be effective and truly representative of the school, everyone’s participation is essential. We would like to thank you in advance for your support and to thank to those whom have already become members. Dues are only $11 per year and envelopes are available in the main office. PTSA meetings take place concurrently with the Friends of Palms meetings. Have a wonderful school year and we look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.

Best Regards,

Melissa Erickson
Past PTSA President
[email protected]

See also the Principal's Message.