Health and Safety
Health Policy
- New students will not be admitted to school unless a written immunization record provided by a physician or the health department is presented at the time of enrollment and immunizations are up to date.
- Students who require additional vaccine doses or who lack a written record are no longer allowed a grace period. All students new to the District or transferred students within the District must show that they have received all currently required immunizations in order to be enrolled.
- The immunization status of all students will be reviewed periodically. Those students who do not meet the stated guidelines must be excluded from school until the requirements are met. Students who have been exposed to a communicable disease for which they have not been immunized must be excluded from school at the discretion of the health department.
- All new students entering grades 6-12 and have never previously attended any school in California must present documentation of the results of a Mantoux test done at some previous time. Students entering grades 6-12 from any other California school (public, private or parochial) are exempt from the requirement.
- A student who needs to take medication during school hours must have a statement to this effect on file at the school, signed by the prescribing physician and the parent/guardian. The required forms are available from the school nurse or administrator. School health personnel do not prescribe or give advice regarding medication or other care beyond first aid.
Physical examinations:
- Students enrolling for the first time in LAUSD secondary schools are encouraged to provide the school with a report of a recent physical examination. Forms for this purpose may be obtained from the school nurse.
- Physical examinations as required for Special Education programs may be done by licensed physicians. If parents/guardians do not wish to have their child examined at school, they must file an annual written statement to that effect with the administrator.
- Screening of vision and hearing will be done in accordance with State guidelines. All girls in grade 7 and boys in grade 8 will be screened for possible scoliosis (curvature of the spine). Parents/guardians will be notified of any findings in these mandated screening tests that require further attention. Parents/guardians who do not want their child screened must provide this request in writing to the Health Office.
- Communicable disease inspections will be conducted periodically. A student suspected of having a communicable disease will be excluded from school until guidelines for readmission are met.
- An effort will be made to notify parents/guardians about school exposure to chicken pox. The parent/guardian of a student for who chicken pox presents a particular hazard should contact the school nurse to facilitate notification. Students at risk include those with deficient immune systems and those receiving certain drugs for the treatment of leukemia or organ transplants.
- A student returning to school with sutures, casts, crutches, brace(s), or a wheelchair must have a physician's written permission to attend school and must comply with any safety procedures required by the school administration and Health Services personnel.
- A student returning to school following a serious or prolonged illness, injury, surgery, or other hospitalization, must have written permission by the health care provider to attend school, including any recommendations regarding physical activity.
- A parent's written request for an excuse from participation in physical education will be accepted for up to 5 days; thereafter, a written request is needed from the student's health care provider. Requests for exemption beyond 5 days are referred to the school nurse. See also "excuses from participation" in the Physical Education Rules.
- A current District Emergency Information card must be on file at the school so that parents/guardians can be notified promptly in case of accident or illness involving their child.
- School health personnel are available for consultation.
See also:
- Medical Information, including Tdap Booster Shots
Daily Drop-Off and Pick-Up Rules
With more than 1,500 students arriving and departing each day, Palms Middle School is a formidable neighbor. Neighborhood residents put up with the traffic, noise, and trash created by these comings and goings every day. Parents and students need to remember to be good neighbors.
Safety rules:
- Make a plan with your child for pick-up (be specific about where you will meet your child).
- Arrive early to avoid the crowd. Kids love a little extra time at school in the morning.
- Pick up and drop off at the curb. Let's prevent tragedies.
- Do not let kids cross the street in front of your car.
- Make sure students use the crosswalks.
- Stop at stop signs; follow all traffic laws; look for children in crosswalks. Do not make U-turns on Palms Blvd.
- Keep your eyes open for unsafe behavior. Kids often do before they think. Be alert.
- Do not expect your child to be paged if you cannot find them after school.
Be a good neighbor to those who live near Palms:
- Do not honk your car horn outside Palms.
- Do not double park on neighborhood streets.
- Do not block neighbors' driveways.
- Do not park in red zones.
- Remind students to put trash in trash cans. Do not throw trash out of car windows or on the street or sidewalk.
- Do not block the bus lanes.
- Turn off your motor when you are waiting for an extended time.
Parents driving their children to school can take advantage of the Drop-Off Lanes run by parent volunteers, from 7:30-8:00am each school day on Woodbine Street in front of school and on Palms Blvd. behind the main part of campus.
Body Strays, Aerosols, Scented Lotions, and Glass Bottles
We know that students might like to smell nice, stay dry, and "freshen up" after P.E. class, but these types of products aren't allowed in Palms classrooms or in the P.E. locker rooms because of their effects on the health of other students.
Sprays and aerosols put mist in the air, making it hard for students with asthma to breathe. Lotions with scents can cause allergic reactions, including migraine headaches, in students with certain types of allergies.
Glass bottles can break, leaving glass shards that will cut students who are walking with bare feet in the P.E. locker rooms.
These are health and safety concerns, and that's the reason for these rules. Refer to your School Planner under Health Conditions and PE. See also the P.E. Lockers page.
Emergency Procedures
Information about Emergency Procedures is sent home to parents each year.
Make sure your child's Emergency Information Card is up to date.
Only people authorized on your Emergency Information Card can pick up your child at school.
Contact Student Services if you need more information about emergency procedures.
See also:
If your child must be picked up after an emergency, you will be notified by a phone call from school. You or someone else authorized on your Emergency Information Card must request your child from the Request Gate on the south side of Palms Blvd. near Kelton Avenue, show your identification, and then wait for your child to be brought to you at the Reunion Gate, further east along the south side of Palms Blvd.
School Rating
LAUSD rates schools after inspecting mechanical systems, physical structure, electrical systems, and other aspects of infrastructure.
For 2014-2015, Palms was rated Exemplary -- the highest rating.
Source: California Department of Education School Accountability Report Card
Health Office
Students may not bring medications to school, including over-the-counter, unless the appropriate forms are completed by the child’s physician and turned in to the school nurse.
Please keep your child home if he/she has a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive coughing or congestion, eye discharge, or any other serious or contagious illness. A student should never attend school with a rash unless it has been found not to be contagious by a physician.
See: Medical Information
Campus Visitors
Palms Middle School is a closed campus. Gates are locked after the 8:00am tardy bell rings and the only entrance to school is through the front door on Woodbine Street.
All visitors must check in at the table in the entrance to school and wear a visitor's pass name tag while on the campus. Parents wishing to visit classrooms must make an appointment at least 24 hours in advance.
Prospective parents may visit campus on designated Palms Preview days. See the School Calendar and contact Friends of Palms.
Bicycles, Skateboards, Hoverboards, and Scooters
- Palms students may ride bikes to school. They must bring a key lock or a combination lock to secure their bike. The bike rack is near the Student Cafeteria.
- For everyone's safety, students on bikes must pay attention to both car traffic and students who are walking to and from school. Always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle.
- Riding a skateboard can be fun, but Palms does not allow students to bring skateboards to school because they pose safety issues.
Hoverboards and scooters:
- Palms does not allow students to bring hoverboards or foot scooters to school because they pose safety issues.
Safety Officer and LAUSD Police
Palms has a Campus Safety Officer who is on campus at least two days a week plus alternate Fridays. In the event of an emergency call the Palms main office at 310-253-7600 or the Los Angeles School Police at 213-625-6631. The Los Angeles School Police Department is the largest school district police department in the nation and is committed to creating a safe and tranquil environment for all LAUSD students, teachers, and staff.
Students On Campus After School
Students who are not picked up within 30 minutes after dismissal will not be allowed to wait on Woodbine Street. Pick up your child in front of the school by 2:00pm on Tuesday and 3:30pm on other days (see Bell Schedule).
The School Library is open every day except Tuesday until 4:30pm and our After-School Programs on the P.E. side are open daily until 6:00pm. Students not picked up by 4:30pm in the Library will be escorted to the P.E. side on Palms Blvd. where there is adult supervision.
School dismissal |
Woodbine pick-up deadline
Library closes; Library pick-up deadline |
After-school programs end; final pick-up deadline |
Please discuss your pick-up plans with your students. In addition, please know that we cannot make individual announcements for students to be picked up.
Getting Help from the Psychiatric Social Worker
If your child is having non-emergency mental health or social-emotional problems, you can contact the Palms Psychiatric Social Worker (PSW) for consultations or referrals to resources or mental health services. She can direct you to a web form used to describe what you need and authorize help for your child.
Examples of problems for which you might ask for help:
- Academic Concerns: does not complete or missing assignments, low motivation, difficulty grasping subject, inconsistent class attendance/frequently tardy
- Behavioral Concerns: does not follow directions, disruptive, inattention, inability to remain seated, withdrawn, isolated
- Mood Concerns: frequently irritable, frequently low energy or seem sad, appears anxious, expresses worry more than usual, low self-esteem
- Grief & Loss: recent death in family or community is impacting student well-being
Emergency Assistance
If you or someone in your family needs immediate emergency assistance, please call 911.
Other mental health resources:
- The Palms Psychiatric Social Worker (PSW)
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988 or 800-273-TALK (8255)
- LAUSD Student Health and Human Services hotline: 213-241-3840 (Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm)
- L.A. County Department of Mental Health: 800-854-7771
If You See Something, Say Something
If you know of an incident on campus, please report it to an adult staff member. Don't spread rumors that you hear from students, since such rumors are often exaggerated.
Reported incidents are investigated and addressed as per LAUSD protocols and procedures. LAUSD privacy requirements are followed.
Conferences are held with the students involved and their parents or guardians. Notifications are sent via Blackboard Connect by email, text, and/or phone call.
Your cooperation is appreciated!
Food Deliveries
By LAUSD rules, no food or beverage deliveries may be made to campus, other than LAUSD-approved deliveries.
See the Forgotten Items page regarding students who forget to bring their lunch.
- There may be food safety issues from non-compliant food preparation, including allergens.
- Unauthorized people should not be on campus.
- Students should not be out of class to pick up food or beverages.