Class Trip » Class Trip

Class Trip

Each year since 2014, except during the COVID-19 pandemic, 8th grade students are invited to take a 7-day 6-night trip with the Palms Middle School History Department for the Founding Fathers East Coast Tour.

Students visit cities such as Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and/or Washington DC during the week of Spring Recess in the Spring semester of their 8th grade year.

The tour is run by the Explorica educational travel service, with Palms teachers as the chaperones. There is at least one adult for each 9 students.

The trip is for students and teachers only -- not for parents, not even as chaperones.


Here's what former Palms student Jeristella Go had to say about the trip:

The trip was actually my first time visiting the East Coast.

Not only did I get closer to some of the people in my class, but I was also able to put my passion of filmmaking and photography into practice. It was a lot of fun taking photos and videos of the places we went to with my friends and just capturing the memories we would later look back on.

My favorite part of the trip was definitely at Boston when we arrived back at the hotel and it started snowing. That was my first time experiencing actual snowfall and then waking up the next morning with snow everywhere. It was pretty captivating.

This trip has definitely benefited me as it inspired me to keep exploring the world and using photography and filmmaking as my medium in my adventures. I am now at UCLA majoring in physiological science and I plan to study abroad in the future.

Signing Up

Although the trip is in March or April of the student's 8th grade year, sign-ups begin a year earlier, in the Spring of their 7th grade year, and end in the Fall semester of their 8th grade year.

Early registration (with a discount) is available in April and May, with full-price registration in June and the Fall semester.

The trip fills to capacity, after which there is a waiting list. In a typical year, about 40 to 50 students sign up before the start of the Fall semester. Additional students from the waiting list may be added in the Fall.

Friend of Palms provides scholarships for a few students who couldn't otherwise participate.


Eligibility is based on the rules for Eighth Grade Eligibility as of the Fall semester 20-week report card.

Explorica sells travel insurance called Travel Protection Plan Plus that covers students who are unable to take the trip because they do not meet these eligibility requirements.

Class Trip photos by Jeristella Go (used with permission)

Trip Organizer

7th Grade Families

Watch for the Class Trip 2026 page in Spring 2025.

Sign-ups are Spring 2025 to Fall 2025.

8th Grade Families

Refer to the Class Trip 2025 page for trip information.

Sign-ups are Spring 2024 to Fall 2024.

New York
New York
Washington DC
Washington DC