Grade 8 » Eighth Grade Eligibility

Eighth Grade Eligibility

If parents or students have questions about the eligibility requirements, they should talk to the student's counselor well before an upcoming activity. Don't wait -- know your eligibility.

Parents should review grades in Schoology before progress reports and report cards are issued, rather than waiting until they are received in the mail.

Category Eligibility for 8th Grade Activities Eligibility for Culmination Participation
Academics A grade of F makes a student automatically ineligible.

A minimum of 50 credits earned. See Academic Credits.

No more than two Fails in the 8th grade year.

Work Habits No more than two U's. No more than two U's on final Spring report card.
Cooperation No U's. No more than two U's on final Spring report card.
Behavior Adherence to the Code of Conduct. Adherence to the Code of Conduct.
Attendance   No more than 10 unexcused or uncleared absences in the 8th grade year.
Uncleared absences can be cleared through the Student Services office via email, physical absence note, or an in-person visit.

All textbooks and Library books returned (including from 6th and 7th grade).

School devices returned.

Debts at Palms or other schools paid.

Misconduct If a student is suspended or sent to the Dean's Office for misconduct before any eighth grade activity, the student may become ineligible as determined by administration or the Eighth Grade Coordinators. If a student is suspended or sent to the Dean's Office for misconduct before culmination or during culmination rehearsals, the student may become ineligible as determined by administration and the Eighth Grade Coordinators.


6th and 7th grade marks do not affect Culmination eligibility. But your grades still matter!

All 8th grade courses matter, including P.E. and electives.

Students will not be able to participate in a given activity if a required tear-off permission slip has not been returned by the deadline.

Certificate of Completion

Most students receive a Certificate of Completion at Culmination.

The Certificate may be held by the school until:

  • All Library books are returned.*
  • All textbooks are returned.**
  • All school devices (e.g., iPads) are returned.**
  • Any other debts are paid.**

* If you turned in Library books but still received a notice of overdue books, contact Assistant Principal Mr. Jauregui.

** These clearances apply to your 8th grade year, all previous years at Palms, and all previous years at other schools. You need to return all materials and devices and pay all debts owed for all grades at all schools.