Each student at Palms takes elective classes in addition to their basic academic classes. The choices are widespread, from Art to Yearbook.
The elective choices differ by grade level. Click or tap for details:
Students in the Modern Media and Communications Magnet have predetermined electives:
- 6th grade: Creative Expression (also available to non-Magnet 6th graders)
- 7th grade: Speech, Stage Crew, Theatre Arts, or Theatre Productions
- 8th grade: Video Production, Stage Crew, Theatre Arts, or Theatre Productions
For other students, not all electives are offered in any given year. Most electives are limited by grade level. The counselors try to accommodate each student's preferences, although not everyone can have their first choice.
Sign Up For Electives Online
Before school starts in the Fall, certain students can submit the Elective Preference Form for their next grade level.
- Students going into 7th or 8th grade in the community school, Honors program, SAS program, or the Gifted/High Ability Magnet should submit an Elective Form before the deadline in March or April.
- Students going into 6th grade in the community school, Honors program, SAS program, or the Gifted/High Ability Magnet will hear from their counselor about electives..
- Students in the Modern Media and Communication Magnet have automatic electives. They do not need to submit an elective form.
Elective Preference Forms
5th graders going into 6th grade → |
Contact your counselor if you have questions about your electives.
6th graders going into 7th grade →
Access the elective form through Schoology.
7th graders going into 8th grade →
Access the elective form through Schoology.
Using the Elective Preference Form:
- The elective form is available from Friday, March 7 to Friday, April 4, 2025. Fill it out only once.
- You can view the form as many times as you want while you are considering your electives, but submit the form only once per student.
- If you don't select your elective, one will be chosen for you.
- You can indicate your 1st choice of elective, your 2nd choice, and your 3rd choice. You may not get your preferred choice.
- Electives are year-long classes, with the exception of Ethnic Studies, which takes place only in the Fall semester.
- Some electives need teacher approval, an application, or an audition.
- Make sure that all information is correct before you submit the form. You must provide your 10-digit District ID, which starts with your birth date and a letter. It is not the SSID that you use for testing.
Who Can Take Video Production?
Video Production can be taken as an elective by 8th graders in the Modern Media and Communications Magnet. Other students can take Video Production if space is available.
Other Activities
Students can also join clubs and participate in after-school activities.
See these pages for details:
Elective Presentation Slides
Past or Future Electives
Elective choices change from year to year. See the Past or Future Electives section for electives not currently being offered.
Art class
Deciding which elective to take?
Talk to your counselor!