Facilities » Lockers


Physical Education Lockers

Every Palms student has a P.E. locker, in the boys' or girls' locker rooms on either side of the gymnasium.

See P.E. Lockers for details.

Hall Lockers

Although you see hall lockers in the main building, they are not used, for several reasons:

  • There are not enough lockers for every student.
  • When lockers were used in the 20th century, they caused more problems than they solved. These problems included students leaving books or materials in their lockers when they went to class, tardiness resulting from locker use, contraband brought to campus, and locker repair problems.

What About Heavy Backpacks?


New Palms parents often ask about lockers. Of particular concern is the weight of books and materials that students carry around, which might cause backaches.

Palms addresses this problem in multiple ways:

  • Where classrooms have class sets of books, students do not have to bring their own.
  • Many books are now light workbooks, rather than heavy textbooks.
  • Some books have gone virtual, accessed on iPads.
  • Students are welcome to use rolling backpacks if they find a shoulder backpack to be too heavy.