New Parents » Fifth Grade Visits

Fifth Grade Visits

Fifth graders from selected local schools may be invited to come to Palms for a visit.

These visits are for students and elementary school staff only, without parents.

A typical fifth grade visit includes the following events:

  • Elementary school students arrive at the Auditorium with their teachers.
  • The Palms Principal welcomes the students and introduces the counselors and the Magnet Coordinator.
  • A slide show or video is shown.
  • Leadership students and volunteers from among current Palms parents show students some of the campus.
  • Students learn about or participate in a special activity such as a robotics demonstration or art project.
  • Students receive gift bags that include a Palms T-shirt, bracelet, and raffle ticket.
  • Student eat lunch in the Student Cafeteria.
  • Students can ask questions.
  • Students depart.

Parents please note: Parents do not accompany classes on fifth grade visits, not even as chaperones. The program is designed for students and their teachers only.

You can visit Palms on any of our Palms Preview days. Your children are welcome for any in-person tour.


Some fifth grader visitors get a short lesson in movie-making from the Palms Video Production class.

Palms students mentor 5th graders, who become the actors and crew in a movie, made with real movie cameras, microphones, lights, and computers!