Facts & Figures » Drop-Off Lanes

Drop-Off Lanes

blue car green car orange car pink car turquoise car yellow car red car

drop-off lane drop-off lane

Parents who are driving their children to school can take advantage of the Drop-Off Lanes from 7:30-8:00am each school day. One is on Woodbine Street in front of school. The other is westbound on Palms Blvd.

Using a Drop-Off Lane is convenient, safer for your child, and gives you a chance to say good morning to our volunteer parents, who might offer you an invitation or school flyer. Palms teachers report a significant decrease in tardies due to the Drop-Off Lane!

Safety Reminder

Dogs in vehicles should be restrained during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up.

dog running

Please follow these guidelines:


  • Have your children ready to get out of the car with their belongings in hand.
  • Have your doors unlocked.
  • Once you have safely dropped your child off at school, please keep moving as directed by the volunteers.
  • Please make sure your child uses the crosswalk.
  • Please be respectful to our drop-off volunteers. They are there to make a positive difference.


  • Stop or park in a red zone and risk getting a ticket.
  • Stop in the middle of the street to let your child out of the car.
  • Pull into the auditorium driveway, block the teacher's parking lot, block a bus area, or block a neighbor's driveway.
  • Let your child run across the street.

Where to Cross Woodbine

children in crosswalk

While the drop-off lane on Woodbine is operating, students should cross Woodbine at Midvale, not at Kelton.

Please make sure your child understands this safety guideline and review the suggested walking routes with him or her.

Volunteers Needed

The Drop-Off Lanes have been planned and implemented by Palms parents since February 2012, with help from administrators and the police department. They are staffed by volunteer parents. Thank you to our volunteers for being so generous with your time and protecting the safety of our students!

We need more volunteers, including backups when we need somebody to fill in. If you can spare 30 minutes (7:30 to 8:00am) one morning a week (or even every other week or once a month) or if you can be one of our backup volunteers, please contact Friends of Palms or fill out the Volunteer Form.

We need to have enough volunteers to maintain our second drop-off lane, westbound on Palms Blvd.

2023-2024 Drop-Off Lane Coordinator: open position - please volunteer!