Community Service » Community Service

Community Service

Palms Middle School is active in the West Los Angeles community. Learning to be a good community member is part of the education that every student should have.

Community service starts at home, which means contributing to the well-being of our own campus, at events like Beautification Day and BIG SUNDAY, where students may help with planting, irrigation, painting, and/or campus cleanup, and donating clothes and supplies to the Safe Place for Youth donation drive.

Other Palms activities help the neighborhood around us, such as our recycling efforts and Toy Drive. Our students help educate our community at our Emergency Preparedness Fair.

Field trips let Palms students participate in off-campus community service work as well.

Click or tap the links at the right or below to learn more about each community service program.

Parents Help Too!

Palms parents set an example for their children by participating in family community service events, including:

Parents also attend the fairs put on by students, where they see what their children have learned and sometimes learn new information and tips themselves!