Veterans Day Showcase
On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918, an armistice went into effect and all fighting between the allied nations and Germany ceased (WWI). Since 1938, our country has paused every November 11th to honor all of our veterans (a person who has served in the military). It brings a great sense of pride to our country to honor the brave heroes who fought or continue to fight for the freedom of our nation, every November 11th.
Each year for Veterans Day, the Palms History Department and Leadership class pay homage to the brave men and women who served or have served in the United States Armed Forces by creating the Palms Veterans Day Showcase, where Palms faculty, staff, and students honor veterans with connections to Palms Middle School (relatives).
The Showcase is a display in the school entrance. For 2020 it was also online.
Thank you to all U.S. Veterans!
2024 Dates
Submission deadline: Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Veterans Day: Monday, November 11, 2024
Showcase goes live: Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Instructions for Students or Staff
We invite all Palms faculty, staff, and students with relatives who have served in the military to submit a photo of your relative to our virtual showcase.
If you have a relative who serves or has served in the U.S. military, find a photo and identify the veteran’s first and last name, the branch/service they are/were in, and how you are related. Submit a copy of the photo (not the original) to your history teacher or Mrs. Wohl's mailbox in the Main Office by the submission deadline.
Veterans Day Showcase 2024

Veterans Day 2023 Showcase