Facts & Figures » Title I

Title I

Title I ("title one") is part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as incorporated into the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

The Title I program distributes funding to schools with a high percentage of students from low-income families, as determined by the percentage of students eligible for free and reduced-cost meals. Palms Middle School qualifies as a Title I school and receives additional funding on that basis. Without this funding, approximately $300,000 in a typical year, Palms could have fewer staff members (teachers, assistant principals, counselors, office technicians), fewer days with a school nurse, no after-school Library hours, and Palms could be unable to make other campus purchases, such as computers for the Computer Lab.

The LAUSD Parent Involvement Policy, Parent and Family Engagement Policy, and School-Parent Compact are emailed home in late Fall.

2024-2025 Meetings

Annual Title I Overview Parent Meeting

Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 9:00am

Zoom linkflyerPrincipal's letter

Title I Parent Engagement Policy Meeting

Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 9:00am

Title I survey

Title I funds have been used for lowering class sizes, tutoring, professional development, parent workshops, field trips, technology, social-emotional support, academic interventions, and more.

In the Spring semester we ask parents to fill out a brief and anonymous Title I survey

Meal Applications

Every Palms family should turn in a Meal Application as soon as possible after the school year begins.

It's important!

For meal prices, see the Student Cafeteria page.

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

The Title I goal "is to provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps."

Title I Parent Involvement Policy

The Title I Parent Involvement Policy describes the means by which Palms Middle School involves Title I parents in the school's programs.

Among the topics covered are how Title I parents are invited to

  • Title I Parent Study Groups
  • The Title I Focus group
  • School level activities related to the Program Improvement Plan
  • Training in understanding the Program Improvement Plan and the Single Plan for Student Achievement

The Policy also covers coordination with other LAUSD programs, the annual evaluation of the parental involvement program, goals for effective communication, and other Title I policy goals.

The Title I Parent Involvement Policy can be downloaded below. It does not require a parent or guardian signature.

See also the Parent and Family Engagement Policy web page.

Downloads for Title I Annual Parent Meeting

Downloads for Family Engagement Policy

Has Palms always qualified for Title I funding?

See Title I History