School Statistics
School Accountability Report Card
Every California school publishes an annual School Accountability Report Card (SARC), created by the California Department of Education, using data from the current school year.
You can view or download the Palms SARC here. Parents who would like a printed copy of the report can request a copy in the main office or by contacting Title I Coordinator Ms. Cohen.
Enrollment (2024-2025)
Total enrollment: 1086
Textbooks (2023-2024)
Facilities (2023-2024)
Category | Rating |
Systems: Gas Leaks, Mechanical / HVAC, Sewer | Good |
Electrical: Electrical | Good |
Interior: Interior Surfaces | Good |
Cleanliness: Overall Cleanliness, Pest / Vermin Infestation | Good |
Restrooms / Fountains: Restrooms, Sinks / Fountains | Good |
Safety: Fire Safety, Hazardous Materials | Good |
Structural: Structural Damage, Roofs | Good |
External: Playground / School Grounds, Windows / Doors / Gates / Fences | Good |
Overall Rating | Exemplary |
Average Class Size (2024-2025)
Academic classes have an average or 26 students.
Chronic Absences (2022-2023)
Suspensions and Expulsions (2022-2023)
Growth Over Time
In 2013, Palms Middle School was one of only six middle schools in all of LAUSD to have an Academic Growth Over Time ranking of "Far Above Predicted" three years in a row.
English Learners
LAUSD classifies students as English Learners (EL) based on their enrollment language survey and results of the California English Language Development Test (CELDT).
LAUSD reclassifies EL students as Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) when specialized language and academic support services are no longer needed for success in the mainstream educational program.
For details, download the LAUSD English Learners Master Plan.
2018-2019 Language Percentages, Grades 6-8
Start of School
LAUSD surveyed parents for their preferred start-of-school date, releasing the results in January 2016. Parents in Local District West preferred a start after Labor Day, and so did a plurality of parents across the district, but LAUSD still opted for a mid-August start to the school year.
Reasons often given for starting school in August include the ability to finish the Fall semester before the winter break, and better student preparation for state assessment tests in the Spring.