High School and College Readiness » Naviance


College and Career Bound!

Naviance is a college and career readiness platform. It helps middle school students identify their strengths and explore careers to increase college awareness and access. 

Eighth grade students at Palms have the opportunity to complete tasks and participate in college access lessons within the platform. Lessons are given during their Science period.

To support self-discovery and career awareness, they can take personal interest surveys and explore the Road Trip Nation archives to learn from experts in multiple fields.

Students at Palms have completed the district required tasks for the last three years. The classes are taught to all grade levels and monitored by the College and Career Coach, through each student's elective or Science class.

Students Quick Access to Naviance

  1. Go to Naviance College and Career Readiness Solution.
  2. Click Login in with Active Directory.
  3. Enter your LAUSD email address and password.
  4. Explore Careers and Colleges.

Become a College student in High School

Many students at Palms begin taking college classes the summer before their 9th grade year. Here are the information and the application.

How can I attend college and middle/high school at the same time?

Los Angeles Community College Application for Students in Grades K-12


Resources to help parents and students

For the California State University (CSU):

For the University of California:

Other information:

Main Hall College Pennants

college pennants
UCLA pennant

College and Career Coach

The job of the Palms College and Career Coach is to collaborate with the school's teachers, staff, families, and community partners to ensure that at-risk middle school students are prepared for the A-G course sequence, and will graduate college and be career-ready.