High School Facts
The following information about local high schools is provided by the Palms counselors.
Students and parents are encouraged to attend High School Information Night.
Hamilton High School
University High School
Venice High School
Fairfax High School
- Fairfax High School
- Dual Language Program in Korean
- International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program
- Police Academy Magnet
- School for Advanced Studies
- Visual Arts Magnet
Enrollment information:
Downtown Magnets High School
Palisades Charter High School
- Since Palisades is a charter school you must apply to the school directly.
Culver City High School
- Culver City High School
- Culver City High School Academy of Visual and Performing Arts
- Dual Enrollment/Concurrent Enrollment Program
- Culver City High School is in a different school district. You must apply to the Culver City School District in order to attend there.
Girls Academic Leadership Academy
- This is the first all-girls school in the district. It is open to all girls with the LAUSD boundaries.
- Application information
Westchester Enriched Sciences Magent
- Westchester Enriched Sciences Magnet
- Environmental & Natural Science Magnet
- Gifted STEAM Magnet
- Health & Sport Medicine Magnet
- If you are outside the school's local area, apply through the LAUSD Magnet Program.
Crenshaw High School STEMM Magnet
Hollywood High School
King/Drew Magnet High School
- Archer School for Girls
- Bravo Medical Magnet
- Harvard-Westlake School
- Loyola High School
- Marlborough School
- Oakwood Academy
- Orange Lutheran High School
- Sherman Oaks Notre Dame
- St. Bernard
- ...and dozens of other high schools
General Information
See the School Calendar or our High School Information Night page for information about the event at Palms, where you can learn about the excellent high schools in our area.
The Choices Bulletin will be available each September for the following school year. This is the way that students can apply to any Magnet Program in the Los Angeles Unified School District.
Many high schools give tours of have visitors days in the Fall semester. Check the websites of the high schools in which you are interested for tour information.
In the spring counselors from Hamilton High School and Venice High School may visit Palms to pre-program incoming 9th grade students who are within the boundaries of their attendance area.