General Campus Rules
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
A student may possess a cell phone in school, on school property, at after-school activities, and at school-related functions, provided that the cell phone is off and concealed during school hours (7:54 a.m. to the end of the day’s classes) AND in the school buildings. Cell phones must be in the off position (not vibrate mode) during the entire instructional day, including at break and lunch.
A cell phone may be used during school hours only for life-endangering events. Only school personnel can make a phone call home for you.
Possession of a cellular telephone by a student is a privilege, which may be forfeited by any student who fails to abide by the terms of this policy. Violations of this policy will result in confiscation of the cell phone and/or loss of the privilege to carry one. Confiscated cell phones and electronic devices can be picked up by the parent or guardian during the after-school hours of 3:15pm to 4:00pm. Students who violate the policy again may be required to store their phone in a Yondr pouch during school hours.
A student who possesses a cell phone assumes all responsibility for its care. At no time shall LAUSD, Palms staff, or parent volunteers be responsible for preventing theft, loss, or damage to cell phones brought onto school property.
Filming and photography on campus is prohibited unless authorized in writing by the school principal.
Students are not encouraged to bring electronic equipment other than what is required. Personal electronic gear is becoming more and more popular, particularly among younger students and teens. We do not encourage students to bring cell phones, cameras, portable game systems, non-LAUSD iPads or other tablet computers, Intenet-connected watches, or other expensive items due to the negative attention it attracts and because it can make students targets for theft.
Be sure to read, sign, and return the Cell Phone/Electronic Device Policy notice in your Registration Packet.
Separate rules apply to school-issued iPads.
Zero Tolerance Policy
Palms Middle School does not tolerate any harassment, racial or ethnic bigotry, hate crime or discrimination on the basis of gender, handicap, religion, sexual orientation, or identification.
See also the Code of Conduct.
Behavioral Expectations for Common Areas
Click or tap on the image above to find out more information about the behavioral expectations around campus.
Internet Use
Computers with Internet access are available in the Library and in classrooms. Students may use the Internet from these computers for research and appropriate classroom assignments if they and their parents have completed and returned the LAUSD Responsible Use Policy form.
School Bus Rules
For everyone's safety, all passengers must remain seated while buses are moving.
Passengers are also reminded that loud conversation and other unnecessary noise are not allowed on school buses in order for the driver to hear emergency vehicle sirens and other warnings. Passengers may not bring animals on the bus, unless approved under the provisions of the California Motor Vehicle Code (animals used to assist the disabled).
Please be courteous to other passengers. The use of profanity is not permitted on the bus. Please keep all body parts inside the bus. Remember, for safety reasons, eating, drinking, or chewing gum is not permitted on the bus. Any violation of the Palms Middle School/LAUSD bus contract will result in the loss of bus privileges and use thereafter. Use of school bus transportation is a privilege and use can be revoked at any time.
School Deliveries
Student services will not deliver items brought in by parents for their children to student classrooms. Students must plan to pick up items from the office that have been delivered. This policy will limit disruptions of class instruction and facilitate a full instructional program for all students.