Friends of Palms » Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Your involvement at Palms helps your own children and the children of other parents too.

Every parent should plan to volunteer their help in some way during the school year.

Friends of Palms/PTSA meetings offer a great chance to learn about the volunteer opportunities at Palms as you decide how and where you would like to get involved.

To volunteer you can:

2024-25 Volunteer Coordinator: open position - please volunteer

Current Openings

See the Volunteer Form for descriptions of committee positions, events, and ongoing volunteer activities. To volunteer, submit the form or contact Friends of Palms.

Positions are now open for the 2023-2024 school year, including leadership, board, committee chair, and coordinator positions:

  • Friends of Palms officers
  • PTSA officers
  • Drop-off-Lane Coordinator
  • Faculty and Staff Appreciation Chair
  • Garden Committee
  • Grant Writing Chair
  • Grocery Store and Box Tops Programs Chair
  • Lunchtime Supervision Chair
  • Palms Previews and Elementary School Tours Chair
  • Social Media Manager
  • Translators
  • Volunteer Coordinator
  • Website Reporters
  • Westside Saver Card Coordinator

Multiple volunteers will be needed for these events or ongoing programs, once on-campus education resumes:

Volunteering for the Morning Drop-Off Lanes

The morning Drop-Off Lanes on Woodbine Street and Palms Blvd. keep the process organized and improves safety for students arriving at school.

We need parents willing to help 7:30-8:00am one morning a week. Participating parents will receive LAUSD training.

To volunteer contact Friends of Palms.

2024-2025 Drop-Off Lanes Coordinator: open position - please volunteer

Volunteering for Supervision

You can help the Palms staff supervise students at these times:

  • Before school (Mon to Fri, 7:15-8:15am)
  • Break (Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, 10:15-10:36am)
  • Break (Tue, 9:46-10:06am)
  • Lunch (Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, 12:30-1:06pm
  • Lunch (Tue, 11:30-12:06pm)
  • After school (Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, 2:45-3:30pm
  • After school (Tue, 1:45-2:30pm)

Helping supervise students gives parents a chance to enjoy the campus atmosphere and see the students during one of their daily routines. You will help keep everyone safe, and demonstrate parent involvement in your child's school.

How it works:

  • Parents come to campus whichever day(s) of the week they have available, at the times shown above.
  • Parents are teamed with an administrator to supervise a particular area (outside, the central quad, cafeteria, etc.)
  • Supervision takes place every school day, even on rainy days.
  • It's helpful if you are consistent about the days and times that you supervise from week to week. Bu we are still glad to have your help even if it's not every week.
  • It's helpful if you keep our Supervision Chair up-to-date about your availability.

The sign-up process, which you must do each school year:

  1. A Volunteer Application form is required. LAUSD will issue you a volunteer badge, valid for that school year. In some cases, a TB test or fingerprinting may be required. A TB test is valid for up to 4 years.
  2. Once LAUSD processes your application, you'll receive a volunteer badge. Wear it when you are on campus; you no longer need a yellow "Visitor" sticker each day, but you still must record your visit in the Visitor Log.

2023-2024 Supervision Chair: open position - please volunteer

Volunteering for Palms Previews

On in-person Palms Preview days, prospective Palms families, typically 4th or 5th grade parents, take a one-hour tour of Palms, led by a student from Leadership and accompanied by parent volunteers. We can almost always use more parent volunteers.

No volunteers are needed for virtual Palms Previews, which are held in Zoom.


It's fun and easy to be an in-person tour volunter. You don't have to know everything about Palms. You already know the answers to the types of questions that other parents typical ask.


  • Why did your family choose Palms?
  • What elementary school did your child attend?
  • Has your child had an easy time with the transition, making new friends?
  • What elective did your child choose?
  • Is there a lot of homework? Is your child able to handle it?

We especially welcome 6th grade parents as volunteers since they made the middle school transition themselves only a year ago.

If you can translate to/from a language other than English, you can be especially helpful to families on the tours.

You are welcome to contact the Palms Previews chair for information about being a Palms Preview parent volunteer (read how to contact Friends of Palms), but no registration is required. Just show up in the Auditorium by 9:00am on any in-person Palms Preview day to join one of the tours at 9:15am.

2024-2025 Palms Previews Chair: open position - please volunteer

Volunteer Appreciation

Volunteer Appreciation poster   Volunteer Appreciation cake

Palms welcomes all volunteers: parents, students, and community members. Some volunteers participate on councils and committees. Some are members of the Friends of Palms Board. Some are chairpersons for specific programs and events. And some just help wherever they can.

If you will be volunteering regularly on campus, submit an LAUSD Volunteer Application. If you have questions about volunteer opportunities or an idea for a volunteer project, email [email protected].

We look forward to working with you soon!

School Committees

Interested in joining a school committee?

Attend the first meeting and learn all about a committee!

Morning Drop-Off Lanes

drop-off lane
Please volunteer to help with our Morning Drop-Off Lanes.


To volunteer, fill out the

Parent Volunteer Form

and the

LAUSD Volunteer Application

For instructions, download the LAUSD Quick Guide for Virtual and On-Campus Volunteering
