Friends of Palms » Volunteer Application

Volunteer Application

student with raised hand/p>

We are thrilled to have Palms parents volunteer for their school. There are many available volunteer opportunities and we invite you to fill out our Volunteer Form to let us know how you'd like to help.

Rules for parent volunteers

Parent volunteers who provide services at school must meet requirements set by the State of California Health and Safety Code Section 121545, by LAUSD, and by Palms Middle School. This includes parents helping with the morning Drop-Off Lanes; helping in the Library or music room, providing lunchtime supervision, and volunteering in classrooms. See Volunteer Requirements.

These procedures are for the safety of all Palms students, and your cooperation is appreciated!

  1. All volunteers must work under the supervision of the school administrator (the Principal or designee).
  2. Apply to volunteer at
  3. Provide the required forms.
  4. Once you have LAUSD approval, you will receive a volunteer badge, to be worn whenever you are on the campus.
  5. Submit a volunteer application for each school year.

If you have questions about these requirements or procedures, please contact the Parent Community Representative (see below).

2024-2025 Volunteer Coordinator: open position: please volunteer


Parent Community Representative

Ms. KimMarie Johnson-Roussell
Palms extension 7631

Download the Quick Guide for Virtual and On-Campus Volunteering

English and Spanish

Note: The Quick Guide instructions that say to "contact the site to notify them that you have filled out your application" do not apply. Instead, wait to hear back from the school.

Volunteer Celebration 2024

May 2024 - date to be announced

Library Patio, 9:00-10:00am

Certificate of Appreciation

Thank you for volunteering!

Thank You Parents poster

Volunteer Celebration 2019

Volunteer Celebration, May 2019

Volunteer Celebration 2019

Volunteer Celebration, May 2019

Volunteer Celebration 2019

Volunteer Celebration, May 2019

Volunteer Appreciation Day

Volunteer Celebration, May 2016

Thank you Book Fair volunteers

Poster thanking our Book Fair volunteers, made by students of Ms. Hunter.