Past or Future Electives » Teen Learning

Teen Learning


Teen Learning was a 6th grade elective in some school years.

It is not being offered for the 2023-2024 school year.

This 10-week class uses the Second Step Program to help students in middle school, and throughout their lives. Informed by the most recent research in prevention science, the Second Step Program addresses many aspects of a student's social, emotional, and school success.

The goals of the Second Step Program are to decrease aggression, violence, bullying, and substance abuse and to increase school success.

The Grade 6 Second Step Program has 15 lessons. Its theme is rising to the challenge of being a middle school student. The program addresses skills students need to deal with the increasing complexity and responsibility in their lives. It covers skills and concepts in

  • empathy and communication
  • bullying prevention
  • emotion management
  • problem solving
  • substance abuse prevention