Councils & Committees » Technology Committee

Technology Committee

Technology Committee logo

The Palms Technology Committee

  • helps manage the Palms Middle School website
  • advises Palms administrators and Friends of Palms on matters of technology
  • helps with technology planning for classrooms, the Computer Lab, the Library, and the campus as a whole
  • identifies issues and solutions
  • does research when technology purchases are planned

Some committee members have also helped with installation, setup, and configuration of campus computers and provided website assistance to teachers.

Committee members are parents, teachers, and the Palms Assistant Principal in charge of technology. The Committee benefits from these multiple points of view.

If you have questions about technology at school or would like to help Palms with its technology, contact Friends of Palms.


The Technology Committee was founded in 1994 by Neil Cuadra and David Tolson.


The Technology Committee does not meet in person. Committee members conduct their discussions by email.