Electives » Stage Crew

Stage Crew

Stage Crew

Students in the Stage Crew elective learn to manage the equipment in the Auditorium, including scenery, the lighting and sound systems, props, and wardrobe. They help when Palms has its own shows as well as when other schools use the Palms auditorium for their own shows or ceremonies.

Stage crew students are typically 7th and 8th graders. Although 6th graders are eligible for Stage Crew, their schedules usually don't permit it.

Stage Crew is divided into two general crews:

Production Crew:

Work on several plays or video productions produced by the Modern Media and Communications Magnet. Put the show together. Build the scenery, hang the lights, record the sound, etc.

Run Crew:

Run lighting, sound, scenery, properties, costumes, makeup, and hair during performances. Move scenery on and off stage, run the light board, mix the sound, assist with costume changes, place the properties where the actor needs them, etc.

Specific Jobs

Stage Manager: The Stage Manager is responsible for keeping track of cast members, sets, and miscellaneous details during rehearsals and performances.

Costume Crew: The Costume Crew assists the Director with all aspects of costuming for the show.

Light Board Operator: The Light Board Operator is responsible for operating the light board during all performances. Performs daily light checks at the beginning of all technical rehearsals and performances.

Light Crew: Assist the Light Board Operator with the light board during all performances. Responsible for keeping the lighting side of the control booth clean and organized.

Sound Board Operator: Responsible for operating the sound board during all performances. This includes all microphones, CD players, computers, etc. required to provide sound for the show.

When there isn't a show

Stage Crew members help make repairs and improvements around school, learning skills such as carpentry, electrical work, and computer maintenance. They use a variety of tools, from hammers and screwdrivers to saws and drills, and supplies from glue to sandpaper to duct tape. Whether the problem is a faulty stage light, a drill with broken wiring, or a table that wobbles, they learn what to do about it. Each day brings new tasks and each task brings new opportunities to learn and practice hands-on skills.


Getty Villa Field Trip (Fall 2024)

Students from Theatre Arts and Stage Crew visited the Getty Villa in Malibu.

See Also