Grade 6 » Sixth Grade Election

Sixth Grade Election

Ballot box

The Sixth Body Election is held in September. Only 6th grade Palms students can vote in the election of their Sixth Grade Officers.

During the campaign, candidates create campaign posters, campaign videos, and give campaign speeches.

Sixth Grade Officers - 2024-2025

Sixth Grade President: Wilson Clancey

Sixth Grade Vice President: Jacob Gieske

Sixth Grade Treasurer: Cora Lee

Sixth Grade Secretary: Owen Curitore

Sixth Grade Offices

Which position will you run for?

  • President: collects and shares ideas for sixth graders
  • Vice President: helps the President
  • Secretary: takes and shares notes about Sixth Grade Leadership
  • Treasurer: manages Sixth Grade Leadership finances

Who Can Run?

Candidates are students in the Sixth Grade Leadership elective class. See your counselor if you are interested in Sixth Grade Leadership.

The runner-up winner for President becomes the Vice President.

For the latest Sixth Grade Officers, see the Sixth Grade Leadership page.

Sixth Grade Election Schedule - Fall 2024

Sixth graders met the candidates during Break, in front of the glass case by the 6th grade water fountain:

  • Meet the candidates for Secretary: Tuesday, September 10, 2024
  • Meet the candidates for Treasurer: Wednesday, September 11, 2024
  • Meet the candidates for President: Thursday, September 12, 2024

The election was held during Homeroom on Friday, September 13, 2024.