School-Parent Compact
The School-Parent Compact is an agreement among a Palms student, the student's parent(s) or guardian(s), and Palms Middle School, as they share responsibility for the success of the student's education.
Each year's Compact is released in the Fall semester.
Students pledge to:
- Bring necessary materials to class.
- Complete their homework.
- Follow the Code of Conduct.
- ...and other responsibilities
Parents pledge to:
- Provide quiet study time at home.
- Know how their child is progressing.
- Supervise a student's TV time and Internet use.
- ...and other responsibilities
Palms Middle School pledges to
- Create a welcoming and positive learning environment.
- Maintain ongoing communication with parents.
- Talk with students and parents about the school's mission and vision.
- ...and other responsibilities
The School-Parent Compact can be downloaded below.