Friends of Palms » PTSA


Join PTSA Each School Year

Each member of your family should use this link to...

Join PTSA!

You can now

Shop at our PTA Store!

Login to gain access.
Items will be delivered to the student’s homeroom
or can be picked up in the Main Office.

Invest in Our Future

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is the largest volunteer child advocacy association in the nation. PTA provides parents and families with a powerful voice to speak on behalf of every child.

The Palms Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) is open to all Palms parents, students, silbings, and other family and community members.

Combined FOP/PTSA meetings are held monthly, usually on the second Tuesday of the month, at 6:30 pm in Zoom. FOP/PTSA meetings are one of the best ways to find out what is happening at Palms, hear from school administrators and guest speakers, get involved in your choice of activities, and to make sure your voice is heard.

Questions? Please contact Friends of Palms.

Who Should Join PTSA?

familyPTSA memberships are for individuals. The goal of our membership drive is to have everyone in the Palms community join.

Mom should join PTSA. Dad should join PTSA. Each student in your family should join PTSA. Grandparents, aunts, and uncles can join too. Every dollar supports our mission to help children at Palms, in California, and all over the U.S.A.

Download the Membership Flyer to read more benefits!

Teachers Join PTSA
Palms teachers join PTSA too!

Annual Dues

Join the Palms PTSA

Pay $11 membership dues per person (for Mom, for Dad, for students and other families) by cash or check/money order payable to Palms PTSA.

  • Put $11 per person in an envelope. Label it PTSA and write your child's name and Home Room number on the envelope. Deliver it to the Main Office,


  • Pick up a white PTSA envelope from the Main Office. Put $11.00 per person in the envelope, fill out the information, and deliver it to the Main Office.

Be sure to fill out all required information so each member of your family can receive his or her membership card.

What Your Dues Can Do

At Palms (40% of dues):

In our district (20% of dues):

  • Fund music scholarships
  • Help fund a medical clinic that provides checkups, immunizations, hearing tests, referrals for dental and vision services, and more for students and their siblings (1000 Venice Blvd., 213-763-8343)
  • Support student dental and vision clinics

At the state and national levels (50% of dues):

  • Support the PTA in lobbying legislators in Sacramento and on Capitol Hill and testifying on federal legislation affecting children and youth

You Get Perks!

When you join the PTSA you get special membership benefits, which have included the following:

  • Free admissions to LEGOLAND
  • Discounted tickets to "Skulls" at the California Academy of Sciences
  • Discounted Enterprise car rentals
  • WellCard prescription discounts
  • T-Mobile discounts (see notice below)
  • HP products at lower "education" prices
  • Emergency response and child location services of the Child Safety Network
  • Discounts at Staples
  • A free scoop of Baskin Robbins ice cream
  • Savings on the TeenSMART driver safety program

For details click or tap the Membership Perks section of the California State PTA website. For more great member benefits and perks also visit the National PTA website.

Download the Member Perks Flyer:

Resources For Parents

Check out our Resources for Parents, some brought to you by the state or national PTA!

National PTA has provided Anaphylaxis: Be Aware, Prepared and Ready to Respond, a set of videos for parents and students about dealing with severe allergic reactions.

Working For You in Sacramento

California State PTAThe California State PTA has a Legislation Team in Sacramento that advocates for our children where government intersects California's education system. You can keep up with the latest PTA advocacy by reading the PTA's Sacramento Update. To receive it, sign up for the Legislation & Advocacy e-newsletter.

Today's PTA

PTSA Officers

President: open position please volunteer!

Vice President, Membership: open position please volunteer!

Secretary: open position - please volunteer!

Treasurer: open position please volunteer!

Historian: open position - please volunteer!

Auditor: : open position - please volunteer!

California PTA Newsletters

Health Tidbits - monthly health tips (sign up for the Health & Safety e-newsletter)

PTA Connects - monthly newsletter in English or Spanish

National PTA Newsletters

One Voice - the PTA blog

Our Children Magazine - bimonthly magazine

Did You Know?

The PTA was founded in 1897 as the National Congress of Mothers.

How many years ago was that?