Friends of Palms » Leaders


Thank you to our many volunteers!

The listings below show both confirmed positions and candidates in the FOP/PTSA election.

Friends of Palms Board Members, 2024-2025


  • Friends of Palms President: open position
  • Friends of Palms Vice President: Shachar Pangindian
  • Friends of Palms Secretary: open position
  • Friends of Palms Treasurer: open position

General board members:

  • Mari Bower
  • Karen Cavassani
  • Todd Helmerson
  • Angie Hernandez
  • Tyesha Jackson-Wise
  • Caterina Mercante
  • Kristin Vannieuwenhoven
  • PTSA President: open position

Volunteer for the Friends of Palms board

PTSA Officers, 2024-2025

  • PTSA President: open position
  • PTSA Vice President, Membership: open position
  • PTSA Auditor: open position
  • PTSA Secretary: open position
  • PTSA Treasurer: open position

Volunteer for a PTSA position

Committee Chairs, 2024-2025

  • Beautification Committee: Anne Arikian (with committee members Thasja Hoffmann and Kristin Vannieuwenhoven)
  • Book Fair Chair: Aya Itami (with committee members Calendaria Lopez and Keiko Seo)
  • Dining for Dollars Chair: Candelaria Lopez
  • Donation Chair: Shachar Pangindian
  • Drop-Off Lane Coordinator: open position
  • Faculty and Staff Appreciation Chair: open position
  • Friends of Palms Auditor: open position
  • Garden Committee: open position
  • Grant Writing Chair: open position
  • Grocery Store and Box Tops Programs Chair: open position
  • Lunchtime Supervision Chair: open position
  • Meet & Greet Co-Chairs: Karen Cavassani and Caterina Mercante
  • Palms Gear Chair: Keiko Seo (with committee member Thasja Hoffmann)
  • Palms Previews and Elementary School Tours Chair: open position
  • Reflections Art Program Chair: Shachar Pangindian (with committee members Angie Hernandez, Thasia Hoffmann, Candelaria Lopez, and Kristin Vannieuwenhoven)
  • Social Media Manager: open position
  • Technology Committee Chair: Neil Cuadra
  • Translators Chair: open position
  • Volunteer Coordinator: open position
  • Website Manager: Neil Cuadra
  • Website Reporters: volunteers welcome
  • Westside Saver Card Coordinator: open position

Volunteer for a committee

Open Positions


Many positions are open. Please pick a role that suits you. Volunteer by filling out the Volunteer Form.

Other Leaders

For school leaders, see:

For district and government leaders, see: