Past or Future Electives » Keyboarding


keyboard for typing practice

Keyboarding, also called Typing, has been a 6th grade elective in some school years.

In this 10-week class, students have the opportunity to build efficient keyboarding skills.

It is not being offered for the 2023-2024 school year.

Keyboarding is becoming an essential skill for success in the 21st century marketplace. If you can touch type, you extend your skill set beyond word processing to include electronic communication, computer science, and more; and you accomplish writing tasks much more quickly than if you had to spend time hunting for each key.

Students may use iPads, computers in our Computer Lab, or AlphaSmart keyboarding devices. Most recently, we've used the school edition of

AlphaSmart Keyboards

An AlphaSmart is much like a laptop computer, but strictly for word processing.

KeyWords, a program preloaded on the AlphaSmart, helps a student turn from a "hunt and peck" typist into a "think and write" writer-fast. Unlike other typing programs based on 1950s typing instruction, KeyWords uses language-based lessons presenting diverse vocabulary, rhymes, and humor to keep students engaged and interested.