Electives » Journalism


Journalism class

In the Journalism elective, 7th and 8th grade students create a newspaper, highlighting their voices and the stories in our school community.

With project-based learning, students take part in

  • Writing
  • Editing
  • Research
  • Graphic design


The class is fast-paced to keep up with the latest news!

See the Palms Press page for the latest issue!

The student newspaper features...

  • Palms Middle School news
  • Local news
  • General news
  • Sports
  • An advice column
  • Horoscopes
  • Puzzles
  • Comic strips
  • Reviews of
    • books
    • movies
    • TV shows
    • music
    • restaurants

... and more!

Sample Issue

sample issue of the Palms Press

Journalism Application

To be accepted for the Journalism elective, students must fill out and submit the Journalism Elective Application form below.

Deliver it to Ms. Skidelsky in Room 132.

See Also

Investigative Video Production elective

Yearbook elective