Charge your iPad every night so it's charged and ready for use when you bring it to school. A few chargers will be available at school, but students shouldn't routinely depend on them.
Keep your name and homeroom on your lockscreen, for quick identification.
At school, use your iPad only during class periods. It should be off and put away before school, during passing periods, and during break and lunch.
iPad Safety
When traveling to and from school, keep your iPad hidden in your backpack.
Do not take your iPad out on the bus, metro train, or in public.
Keep your iPad safe and secure when it's at home.
Practice safety at all times.
iPad Responsibility
Your iPad is an educational device, so treat it with respect
Do not allow anyone to borrow your iPad. You are responsible for returning it whenever iPads are collected.
You are also responsible for your charger. You must return it whenever iPads are collected.
Keep your passwords secret except from your parents or guardians. This includes 4-digit security codes, email passwords, Apple ID passwords, and any other passwords you have.
Appropriate iPad Content
Practice good digital citizenship by using your iPad only for educational purposes.
Apps (software) should be downloaded to an iPad only at the direction of a teacher.
Do not download, create, send, post, or share any inappropriate content:
No hate messages.
No disparaging words against any ethnic group, religion, race, sexual orientation, or person.
No content which would offend a group or person.
No offensive pictures.
No content that you'd be embarrassed for a parent or teacher to see.