Ms. Kathy Tynan » Ms. Tynan

Ms. Tynan

Special Education - ID Class - Room 143

Intellectual Disabilities - Mild/Moderate

~ Ms. Tynan's Web Page ~

Welcome to the new school year!

Class Schedule 2024-2025

Period Class
1 ID class - English
2 ID class - History
3 ID class - Math
4 ID class - Science
5 Conference
6 ID class - Elective

Meet the Teacher

I am honored and excited to be teaching at Palms Middle School. I have been teaching in LAUSD since 1996 in both General and Special Education classrooms. I come from Hancock Park Elementary School and have greatly enjoyed the transition to middle school. In fact, some of the former Hancock Park students I have taught have been at Palms. What a small world!

My teaching philosophy is that I believe every student can achieve great things, and I am here to help them believe they can. I emphasize a positive classroom environment, with mutual respect, where making learning fun and engaging is key.

My educational program consists of a combination of life skills, LAUSD's alternate curriculum (UNIQUE), and supplemental standards-based materials and activities. Students will be engaged in hands-on learning, cooperative group learning, and technology driven activities under the guidelines of the IEP.

Looking forward to a great year!

Life Skills: Cooking

cooking ingredients

Every Friday during 3rd and 4th period, we will be cooking with our students in Room 143. We believe that this very important life skill is quite beneficial to all our students, and really gives them a feeling of empowerment in the kitchen.

Our instruction will include food preparation, kitchen safety, the cooking process, recipes and measuring, table setting, etiquette, clean-up, and washing dishes.

See my Cooking page!

To assist with our cooking budget, any donations are welcome and greatly appreciated!