Palms Students » Palms Students

Palms Students

What's New in the Students Section
Day of the Dead

In October 2022, 33 art students of Ms. Goldin participated in the Dia de Los Muertos art contest sponsored by the Tournament of Roses Parade. Palms students won First Place, Second Place, Third Place, and 3 Honorable Mentions.

Posted 11/2/22
Roman Empire Project by Ms. Garret's Class

While studying the history of ancient Rome, 16 students from Ms. Garret's 7th grade Medieval World History classes created arches, using paper and glue, in the style of the ancient Roman arches. Arches were just one of the architectural forms established by the Romans.

Roman Empire - Arches

While studying the history of ancient Rome, 31 students from Ms. Garret's 7th grade Medieval World History classes designed mosaics using paper and glue, mimicing the style used in the ancient Greek, Roman, and Byzantine empires, where mosaics were made from glass or ceramic tile and plaster.

Roman Empire - Mosaics

While studying the history of ancient Rome, 5 students from Ms. Garret's 7th grade Medieval World History classes suspended Roman figures in a decorsted jar by attaching the figure to a paperclip just below a magnet, producing an effect that anient Romans and Egyptians used. Unlike the Romans and Egyptions, modern students understand magnetism.

Roman Empire - Suspended Statues

While studying the history of ancient Rome, 17 students from Ms. Garret's 7th grade Medieval World History classes recorded cooking lesson videos as if they were on the Top Chef TV show, while cooking food using recipes from ancient Rome.

Roman Empire - Top Chefs​​​​​​​

Posted 6/10/22
Roman Empire Project by Ms. Garret's Class
Islamic Empire Project by Ms. Garret's Class

While studying the Islamic Empire, 10 students from Ms. Garret's 7th grade Medieval World History classes created calligraphic designs inspired by an Ottoman tughra, a seal used as a signature. The designs are based on each student's initials.

Islamic Empire - Calligraphy

While studying the Islamic Empire, 19 students from Ms. Garret's 7th grade Medieval World History classes designed henna decorations and applied them to a tracing of their hand, with designs based on Muslim traditions for celebrating the end of Ramadan.

Islamic Empire - Hanna Tattoo Art

While studying the Islamic Empire, 10 students from Ms. Garret's 7th grade Medieval World History classes designed art for bowls in the style of the Samanid Empire of the 9th and 10th centuries. Each bowl has wishes or blessings in Arabic letters as well as calligraphic designs.

Islamic Empire - Samanid Bowls

While studying the Islamic Empire, 2 students from Ms. Garret's 7th grade Medieval World History classes painted suncatchers in the style of the 12-pointed star from the city of Khargird, using a combination of colors of acrylic paint.

Islamic Empire - Suncatchers

While studying the Islamic Empire, 18 students from Ms. Garret's 7th grade Medieval World History classes created geometric designs inspired by Islamic art, using either linear or radial symmetry. Each design used squares, rectangles, triangles, and/or cirlces in a repeating pattern like those seen at mosques.

Islamic Empire - Tessellations

Posted 6/8/22
Islamic Empire Project by Ms. Garret's Class
West African Masks by Ms. Garret's Class
West African Masks by Ms. Garret's Class

Students from Ms. Garret's 7th grade Medieval World History classes designed African-style masks in the traditions of West and Central Africans, who wore masks during ceremonies, performances, and in sacred rites.

West African Masks

Posted 6/7/22
Japanese Fans by Ms. Garret's Class
Japanese Fans by Ms. Garret's Class

Students from Ms. Garret's 7th grade Medieval World History classes designed Japanese-style fans for their "Samurai Training Journals."

Japanese Fans

Posted 6/7/22
The Road to Find

We welcome original writing, art, photos, and other media created by Palms Middle School students (even if there is currently no section for it).

To send us your submission:

  1. Prepare your file: .pdf, .docx, .jpg, .png, etc.

  2. Fill out the Student Submission Form, logging in with your LAUSD student email address, e.g., [email protected].

  3. Upload your file and submit.

The form also lets your parent or guardian provide their authorization.

Most of the teacher's submissions will be put in the student projects section.