Teachers & Staff » Counselors


student meeting with counselorCounselors are student advocates.

The first priority for the Palms counselors is making sure that students are placed into the correct academic program, to ensure that all students are in the classes best suited to meet their needs.

Throughout the school year, the counselors assist with communication between parents, teachers and students. They continually assess student academic progress and seek resources to address any issues that interfere with learning. They help students with individualized graduation plans, tutoring services, and referrals.

Sixth Grade Counselor

Ms. ShinMs. Shin
Counseling Office
Phone 310-253-7625
Palms extension 7625

Seventh Grade Counselor

Ms. GonzalezMs. Gonzalez
Counseling Office
Phone 310-253-7643
Palms extension 7643

Eighth Grade Counselor

Ms. GauthierMs. Gauthier
Counseling Office
Phone 310-253-7622
Palms extension 7622

Black Student Achievement Program (BSAP) Counselor

Mrs. EubanksMrs. Eubanks
Room 119 (next to the Main Office)
See the BSAP page.

Pupil Services and Attendance Counselor

Ms. AvilaMrs. Avila
Phone 310-253-7626
Palms extension 7626

Head Counselor

Mr. BarbosaAssistant Principal Mr. Barbosa

Tips for Students

You will get to know your counselor and have the same counselor each year. Your 6th grade counselor will be next year's 7th grade counselor, and an 8th grade counselor the year after that.

You can talk to your counselor about any of the following:

  • Relationship and peer issues or conflicts
  • Feeling depressed, lonely, angry, stressed, etc.
  • Any thoughts of self-harm
  • Personal issues, including divorce or separation of parents, loss of a loved one, etc.
  • How to improve your grades or get tutoring
  • College and careers
  • Referrals to outside counseling as needed
  • Anything else that's on your mind

To talk to your counselor, walk in with a pass, send a message below, send a message in Schoology, or leave a note in the Counseling Office.

Tips for Parents

Middle School is a time when students achieve more independence from family and an increased interest in friends. They form stronger and more complex relationships with their peers and they are more aware of their body as they develop a sense of their body image.

How do counselors help with these changes? By validating a student's feelings, being good listeners, brainstorming healthy coping mechanisms, providing peer mediation and conflict resolution, and giving both one-on-one and group counseling.

If you have concerns about specific classes, contact your child's teacher. For other issues, contact the student's counselor.

To make an appointment with your child's counselor or with one or more of your child's teachers, phone or visit the Counseling Office or contact a staff member using the links below.

Issues regarding discipline or student safety, such as bullying or threats, are handled by the Dean of Students or assigned administrator, not by the counselors.


The Counseling Office Assistant Clerk is Ms. Lula Doucette.

Student Support and Progress Teams

A Student Support and Progress Team (SSPT) is established by the counselors when a student needs extra support, has behavior problems, and/or is failing multiple classes.

Counselors, two other staff members, and the parent(s) or guardian(s) meet, usually in Zoom, to create a support plan and to review it every 6 to 8 weeks.

Download LAUSD brochure: Student Support and Progress Teams

Counseling Office

The Counseling Office is in the main building, bottom floor, in the corner where the two long hallways meet.

The room number is 127 (see campus map).

Tips from the Counselors

For tips and resources from the counselors, see the Counselors Corner.

Discipline Issues

The counselors do not handle issues of discipline, student safety, bullying, threats, etc. Those issues are handled by the Dean of Students.