Events and Enrichment » Connecting Cultures Exhibit

Connecting Cultures Exhibit

In the Spring semester, the Palms Library puts on a display of Connecting Cultures, celebrating the world's many cultures. Throughout the week, classes visit the Library to view the incredible display of unique and interesting items from many different cultures. Sometimes there are musical performances too.

Students tour the exhibit on schooldays. Parents are welcome to visit at these times as well. Parents are also welcome to stop by the library during Open House to view the display and enjoy a dessert buffet. If you would like to contribute a dessert from your country of origin for this effort, please bring it by just before 5:00pm.

Themes rotate every 3 years:

2025: Spiritual Connections. Students examine and learn about the diverse ways that people from around the world practice their beliefs, with masks, organized religion, and musical instruments.

2026: Commercial Connections. Student examine and learn about artifacts for natural resources, trade, and colonization.

2027: Everyday Connections. Students will examine and learn about traditional or special occasion clothing, shoes and hats, talismans and other charms to attract good fortune or scare away bad spirits, traditional toys, games, and sports jerseys and equipment from around the world.

The Connecting Cultures Mobile Museum was founded in 1995 by former Palms parent Valerie Lezin. The program began at Palms Middle School and has now expanded to reach over 25,000 students each year. Its collection has grown to more than 3,500 artifacts from more than 75 countries.

2025 Schedule

Exhibit setup

  • Wednesday, February 26 through Friday, February 28

Exhibit, open during school hours

  • Monday, March 3 through Friday, March 14
  • Open House on Thursday, March 13


  • Friday, March 14 and Monday, March 17


What foreign countries have you been to?

Do you know somebody who was born in another country?

Can you name one country in each continent: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America?

Did you know? Many countries have territories in Antarctica but the continent of Antarctica doesn't have its own countries!

Other Cultural Programs at Palms

The cultural mix at Palms is amazing and wonderful! It's the best way to learn about cultures other than your own.