Electives » Art


art pallette, courtesy lakeshorelearning

Students in General Art, Advanced Art, and Ceramics, and Design Craft learn a variety of skills as they exercise their artistic abilities using many different media and many different techniques.


In Art and Advanced Art you will:

  • Draw
  • Paint
  • Take field trips
  • Paint murals
  • Participate in art contests
  • Receive visits from artists from around the world

Requirements for Advanced Art:

  • You must have taken a year of Ms. Goldin's Art class.
  • You must receive approval by contacting Ms. Goldin.

LAUSD Holiday Card

In December 2024, art by two Palms students was chosen by LAUSD for its annual holiday card.

The card cover art was by Palms 6th grader Jamisen Coats.

The side cover art was by Palms 8th grader Jenna Coats.

Palms Visits the Getty Center

Every year in March or April, 50 to 100 art students of Ms. Goldin and Ms. Purdy visit the Getty Center to learn about paintings, sculpture, and crafts from centuries past, and see the museum buildings and the famous garden.

Getty Center Field Trip
Palms art students at the Getty Center, 2015

Pop Art

Photos used with permission.

United Streets of America Art Show (2022)

Elijah Golden Declan Shortt Ashley Kelly Keillie Lopez MorenoMcKenzie MartinSydney Pulido Banda Aiden Yu

Artists: Elijah Golden, Declan Shortt, Ashley Kelly, Keillie Lopez Moreno, McKenzie Martin, Sydney Pulido Banda, Aiden Yu

Reach for the Stars Mural

Ms. Goldin's art students worked closely with officers of the Los Angeles Police Department, Pacific Division, and artists Zander and Terrence Stasse to design and paint a beautiful new mural on the PE side near Palms Boulevard in 2018. The mural is themed, "Reach for the Stars." This work was part of the Los Angeles Community Street Art Initiative, which builds friendships between Los Angeles children and police officers through the creation of public art.

Enjoy this time-lapse video of the painting project!

Students hard at work

Reach for the Stars ProjectThe finished product

Reach for the Stars Mural

Photos used with permission.

Day of the Dead Drawings

Day of the Dead 2015