Academic Rules
Academic Requirements
- All students are required to provide and carry with them to each class a 3-ring binder, containing pens, pencils, erasers, and lined notebook paper.
- Each notebook is to have sections for each academic area separated by dividers.
- Binders need to have a zip pouch that holds pens, pencils and erasers.
- Students are given a planner and must use their planners in each class to record assignments and grades. Planners are to be kept up to date.
- Scissors, whiteout, and permanent markers are not acceptable materials.
- Student binders are to have names and homeroom numbers on them.
- Homework is to be completed on time.
- Textbooks are loaned to students free of charge. However, students are responsible for lost or damaged books. Textbooks are to be brought to class as instructed by each teacher.
Eligibility Requirements
The following are the requirements needed by all students in order to participate in school activities.
- Student may not receive a "Fail" in any subject. If a grade of "Fail" is earned during the Fall semester, the student must raise that grade to a "C" during Spring semester. If the grade is not raised, then the student must complete summer school with a "C" or better or participate in another approved intervention program or activity.
- Student is allowed no more than two U's in Cooperation.
- Student is allowed no more than two U's in Work Habits.
- All students must adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Code of Conduct for Palms Middle School.
- If a student is suspended five weeks before any activity he/she will become ineligible.
- Students must meet attendance requirements established by LAUSD.
Missed Homework Policy
- It is recommended that students obtain phone numbers of classmates in order to get homework when they are absent less than 5 days.
- Parents may request homework from the Counseling Office when their child is absent 5 days or more.
- Homework will be ready for pickup in the Counseling Office 24 hours after the request is made.
Standards-Based Instruction
All instruction and curriculum at Palms Middle School is aligned to State and District Learning Standards. Students are expected to master representative skills and objectives at each grade level.
Students are expected to pass Performance Assessments in academic subjects in grades 6, 7, and 8.
Tardy Policy
Tardies are tallied for each grading period.
On the 3rd tardy, the student will receive a "U" in Work Habits on his/her next report card.
If tardiness continues, additional disciplinary measures may be implemented.