Palms Registration Week
Palms Registration Week begins on August 7, 2023.
You will
- submit required forms
- pick up your child's tentative schedule
- pick up your child's textbooks
- create or reactivate your Parent Portal account
- pick up devices if needed
- purchase P.E. uniforms if needed (cash only)
Monday, August 7
9:00am to 11:00am: 7th grade, student last name A-M
12:00pm to 2:00pm: 7th grade, student last name N-Z
Wednesday, August 9
9:00am to 11:00am: 6th grade, student last name A-M
12:00pm to 2:00pm: 6th grade, student last name N-Z
Thursday, August 10
9:00am to 11:00am: 8th grade, student last name A-M
12:00pm to 2:00pm: 8th grade, student last name N-Z
Friday, August 11 (make-up day if you missed your day and time above)
9:00am to 11:00am: all grades, student last name A-M
12:00pm to 2:00pm: all grades, student last name N-Z
Forms to turn in (English)
- Student Emergency Information Form
- Student Residency Questionnaire
- Code of Conduct
- Acceptable Use Policy for District Computer Systems
- LAUSD Student Health Policies
- Cell Phone/Electronic Device Policy
- Parent-Guardian Publicity Authorization and Release
- Proof of Tdap booster shot (for 7th graders only)
Forms to turn in (Spanish)
- Código de Conducta
- Contrato para la Prevención de la Intimidación
- Autorización de los Padres o Tutores para la Divulgación Publicitaria
- Directiva del Uso Acceptable del Sistema de Computación del Distrito Escolar
- Poliza Sobre Uso de Telefonos Celulares y Aparatos Electronicos
- Reglamientos y Pólizas del LAUSD Sobre la Salud Estudiantil
- Cuestionario Sobre la Residencia Estudiantil
- Formulario Estudiantil de Información Para Emergencias
- Prueba de acuna de refuerzo Tdap (solo familias de 7º grado)